Tag Archives: meditation

Meditation Workshop at Waverley Dowsers November 2019

I will be providing a two hour meditation workshop at the Unitarian Hall, Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey,  GU7 3JB on the 8th November 2019. We will be exploring how to feel the love within our hearts and relieving ourselves of any hurt that the heart may have collected over our lifetimes. This will be followed by an exploration of how we can find the Spiritual love in the universe and connecting to and bring that love in to ourselves through a unique meditation. The workshop will start at 7.30pm on the 8th November.

Sun and Moon Festival in Guildford 4th – 11th August

The Sun and Monn festival will be held this summer at Merrist Wood college, see the website for details of courses and fees. I will be teaching some beautiful Bhuddist and Wizard meditations designed to heal. I will also be providing a lecture complete with some photos of Dragons (provided by NASA) as well as introducing students of my class to the actual Dragons themselves.

The full descriptions of each class are below:

1. Connecting to the Love Within and Without.
Meditation coach Ken collinson will guide you, using two unique meditation’s that will connect to the love within your heart with a beautiful Bhuddists meta meditation which will open up your heart to the frequencys of love and cleansing away any hurt that resides within, this will be followed after a short discussion and break with the wonderful Yogic style meditation that will connect your heart energies to the love of heaven and earth while providing the opportunity to share that love to people or to Gaia in a transformational act of giving.

2. Dragons, can we see them and where can we find them.
Master wizard Ken Collinson will share with you the Cosmology of the ancients and the role that Dragons have had throughout the history of the Universe with a unique talk and sharing of Dragons, there will be a Q & A session at the end of the projector and photographic slideshow with real images and photos of Dragons captured by NASA and the ESA, whilst discussing the role of Dragons in all the major religions since ancient Egypt.

3. Meeting the Dragons.
   If you have never met a Dragon and felt the love of the One great spirit resonating within, then this is the time for you, ken will introduce you to the Dragons that he has called to visit us at the Sun and Moon festival and where you will be able to bathe in their healing and transformational energies. You will be able to take away with you the knowledge and vibrational connection to the Dragons and call upon them for help and healing at anytime in the future.

Visit the Sun and Moon Festival

Meditation at the One World Festival

I am honoured to be teaching Mindfulness meditation at the One World Festival again this year starting the 30th July for the week, so if you can come, please do.

I am told if you mention my name when booking they will provide a discount to the price.

Visit the OWF website to gather further news.

I will also be teaching spiritual dowsing as well as Spiritual wizardry, so something for everyone, I hope.

Love and Light to you



Camberley & Guildford Meditation Course

My new courses for mindfulness meditation and awareness are now available for booking on the Surrey County Council website HERE.

Starting in Camberley on 1st October 2016 and in Guildford on the 5th November 2016 as well as a meditation circle at the Guildford centre please follow the link to the Surrey County Council website and use the search box to find all the dates and courses that will be suitable for you.


For those who have previously been on my Mindfulness courses you would be ideally suited to join the Meditation circle’s to continue your journey of mindfulness and awareness, we shall also begin to discuss and explore our spirituality through meditation.

Meridian Channels Identified by Science

There has long been a debate if the human energy meridians exist, traditional medicines recognise meridians, Nadirs or energy channels as identified by many ancient medical systems. Even in ancient Europe, when Otzi the ‘iceman’ was found in the Alps frozen for over 5000 years tattoo’s were found to correspond with acupuncture/meridian lines on the body and may have been used so that unskilled people could provide healing to him by following the tattoo marks.

Here is a link to an article reporting on scientists who have found some of the larger human meridians.

When you understand that we have energy channels in the body, it becomes easier during certain meditation techniques to encourage energy (Chi, Prana) to flow.

The Vagus Nerve and Meditation

The Vagus nerve is the largest nerve outside the spinal column, it connects from the brain to all the major organs and through them, the endocrine system. It has been noticed by medical studies that people’s health is strongly related to the way this nerve is active. The Vagus nerve has one section which seems to send communication down from the brain to the organs, and another section or column that communicates back to the brain. If this data/communication is active and busy it is a good sign that people are healthy and vis-versa, if the communication is below a certain level in either direction, it is an indicator that something is not right. Mindfulness meditation seems to encourage this communication traffic and contributes hugely to the health of the nerve and the body

To read more on the importance of this nerve and how meditation can help to bring benefits please follow the following links.




Mental Time Travel or Chronesthesia

As we strengthen our brain and our mind’s ability’s with regular meditation we find that our ability to do all sort’s mind exercise improve dramatically. A recent study using the fairly new technology of the Fmri scanners (functional magnetic resonance imaging)  shows how the brain/mind will actually use different pasts of the brain when we start conjuring up thoughts, in fact we would use these different parts of our brain regardless if the story is real or made up.

If we make up a story in our mind’s and place it in the past, certain parts of the brain become engaged, if we take the same storyline and place it in the future we will use different parts of our mind and brain for this, and the same applies if we place that imaginary story in the present.  This is called ‘Chronesthesia’ or commonly mental time travel, to read more on this  interesting discovery, follow this link:

Happy Cell’s and Meditation

There is a great by-product of mindfulness meditation which is that we all become more contented because we remove a lot of emotional stress from our lives through the simple action of meditation.

Here is a link a to a great scientific study and article which claims to be able to recognise ‘happy body cell’s’


Mindfulness Meditation in Guildford

Fresh dates for mindfulness meditation class in Guildford can be found below as all the dates for the March class’s are now full. To book, please ring – 0300 200 1044

The mindfulness meditation course will be run at the Guildford adult education centre.

Summer Term
Saturday 23/4/2016 – One off taster/Intro session, 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturdays 30/4/2016 to 21/5/2016 – 4 week course, 10.30am-12.30pm

The taster/intro session is a stand alone meditation course where I teach the technique of breathing to calm the body and then the technique of clearing the ‘monkey mind’  which so many people get stuck on, we shall also start to discuss the principles of ‘awareness’ of which there are many and how to start implementing them in your life. This is a must if you intend to also do the weekly course as it would be unfair to make those who have completed to wait for you to catch up.

In the follow up weeks of the meditation class proper, we shall practise all these techniques, we will also consider the mind images that some people can get and their meanings. I will outline the differences between various Meditation techniques and we shall also practise walking or open eye meditation alongside our sitting meditations. Each class shall finish with a guided healing meditation. I will provide handout sheets for the guided meditations so that you can also begin to practise these at home yourself. All lessons will have time for a question and answer between our meditations as well so that we can all learn together.

Part of our meditation course will consist of guided visualisation meditation which has also been shown (when practised regular) to increase parts of the brain, such as the  hippocampus, a region critical to dampening stress was also found enlarged after prolonged visualisation meditation by practitioners, as were the precuneus and the posterior cingulate cortex, areas key to our concept of self.  You can read the full article in the Scientific America where studies of Yoga mediation practitioners HERE

Mindfulness in Life

Being mindful is an attitude of mind, we can practise mindful meditation as well as mindful living. Mindful living refers to being aware of the sustainability of life and this idea cascades down through and covers everything on the planet. Mindful living could be as simple as sorting out the household rubbish so it is recycled correctly or it could be practising mindfulness in your garden and not using chemicals that indiscriminately kill ‘things’ that is likely food for other ‘things’, or in other words practise natural sustainability in as many things in your life as you can. Be mindful of others. (other creatures)

Another great method of mindfulness is to practise on your body, we may use breathing as an exercise for meditation but there are some great healing methods of body mindfulness. One I have come across these last few years and have tried from several practitioners is the popular continental method called Feldenkrais .


Mindfulness needs awareness to be operating in your mind, setting goals to be mindful in your life needs you to be aware of all the NEW things that you will encounter while going about your normal day to day life. You can plan to be mindful in your behaviour but what can you do during the transitional stage from before and to ‘now’. Practise being aware of everything you say and do and consider if it is acceptable for your mindful living.


Meditation Course Guildford

I will be providing  Mindfulness Meditation courses in Guildford over the next year in Guildford, Surrey, the dates are below but you will need to book your position through the Guildford Surrey Adult Learning  system. (see website below) I Hope to see you there. 🙂
Or ring them on – 0300 200 1044

Autumn Term

Saturday 7/11/2015 – One off taster/Intro session, 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturdays 14/11/2015 to 5/12/2015 – 4 week course, 10.30am-12.30pm
Spring Term
Saturday 27/2/2016 – One off taster/Intro session, 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturdays 5/3/2016 to 19/3/2016 – 3 week course, 10.30am-12.30pm
Summer Term
Saturday 23/4/2016 – One off taster/Intro session, 10.30am-12.30pm
Saturdays 30/4/2016 to 21/5/2016 – 4 week course, 10.30am-12.30pm

The taster/intro session is a stand alone meditation course where I teach the technique of breathing to calm the body and then the technique of clearing the ‘monkey mind’  which so many people get stuck on, we shall also start to discuss the principles of ‘awareness’ of which there are many and how to start implementing them in your life. This is a must if you intend to also do the weekly course as it would be unfair to make those who have completed to wait for you to catch up.

In the follow up weeks of the meditation class proper, we shall practise all these techniques, we will also consider the mind images that some people can get and their meanings. I will outline the differences between various Meditation techniques and we shall also practise walking meditation alongside our sitting meditations. Each class shall finish with a guided healing meditation. I will provide handout sheets for the guided meditations so that you can also begin to practise these at home yourself. All lessons will have time for a question and answer between our meditations as well so that we can all learn together.

Meditation and Dowsing Courses

I shall be providing a Dowsing course this year at the Sun and Moon Festival near Brighton, Sussex this will be a practical dowsing course and for those who are keen, we may do some serious stuff

Sun and Moon Festival Home

At the festival I shall also be giving one to one Mindfulness meditation teaching for those who contact me and we shall probably do it under a tree somewhere

Another Festival to look out for will be the One World Festival near Bridgewater, Somerset  which I shall be attending


At this festival I will be assisting Master Wizard Stanley Stewart with some Wizardry talks and again I am offering one to one Mindfulness meditation teaching for those who contact me, probably under a Tree somewhere.